
如果对SCA-5法案有任何疑问或不了解, 请先参阅SCA-5法案问答集, 有清楚扼要的回答SCA-5法案的对华人的影响, 连结如下:

反对SCA-5具体有效的步骤, 请转发

从我做起, 从现在做起! 我们还来得及反对SCA5. 目前, 加州众议院的80席中, 有55席民主党, 25席共和党. 对这个法案SCA5的支持是党派分票, 所以我们只需要保证 2个以上民主党议员勇敢地站出来, 投票反对, 我们就可以让法案胎死腹中. 现在我们可以做的是写信给代表我们选区的加州众议员, 去他们的网站给他们写.

Step 1: http://nosca5.blogspot.com/2014/03/sca-5_9.html
上面连结最上面有一个请愿投票, 有时间先去投票, 这两个网站都需要注册, 但是Change.org是常见的请愿网站, 将来一定该还有用到的机会, 花点时间注册并不吃亏. 不過必須強調這兩個投票實際效果是零, 並不能解決問題, 其主要功能就僅僅是壮大声势.

Step 2: http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/

Step 3:

可能被影响的民主党州众议员列表, 这一份名单有被精心筛选过, 确定是机率比较高, 不会让大家浪费子弹, 集中火力攻击, 先写好篇文章, 这篇下面有很多范例, 不想写直接找一篇贴上发给对方也没关系, 最重要是让对方了解有这么多人重视这个问题, 内容其实不重要, 简单表达意思就够. 但最好是自己能添加一些自己的意见, 能够写一篇自己的文章是最好, 反正能够发那么多遍, 多花点时间在这里也是值得. 然后将这封信用Email再加上Facebook用Message发给下面列表所有的人, 我自己试过发一遍, 全部发完应该不会超过15分钟.

其中中间这种https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/地址的要发比较特别, 一定必须要是填该选区地址, 才能写电子邮件给他们, 不然不会让你发, 所以如果不是自己选区或是有可用地址的就不用了.

另外除了最简单的发电子邮件外, 也可以打电话, Fax传真, 登门拜访都可以视情况运用联络.

Wesley Chesbro (North Coast)
710 E Street, Suite 150, Eureka, CA 95501
Tel: (707) 445-7014  Fax: (707) 445-6607
Email: assemblymember.chesbro@assembly.ca.gov

Richard Pan (潘君达) (Sacramento)
2251 Florin Road, Suite 156, Sacramento CA 95822
Phone: (916)-262-0999  Fax: (916)262-0995
Email: assemblymember.pan@assembly.ca.gov

Ken Cooley (Sacramento)
2729 Prospect Park Drive, Suite 130, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Tel: (916) 464-1910  Fax: (916) 464-1915
Email: assemblymember.cooley@assembly.ca.gov  &  ken@kencooley.com

Mariko Yamada (Southern Sacramento Valley, Wine Country, & North Bay)
725 Main Street Suite 206, Woodland, CA 95695
Tel: (530) 662-7867  Fax: (530) 662-6370
Email: assemblymember.yamada@assembly.ca.gov

Marc Levine (North Bay)
3501 Civic Center Drive, Room 412, San Rafael, CA 94903
Tel: (415) 479-4920  Fax: (415) 479-2123
Email: assemblymember.levine@assembly.ca.gov  &  levineforassembly@gmail.com

Rob Bonta (Central East Bay of the Bay Area)
1515 Clay Street, Ste. 2204, Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 286-1670  Fax: (510) 286-1888
Email: assemblymember.bonta@assembly.ca.gov

Joan Buchanan (East Bay)
2694 Bishop Dr., Ste. 275, San Ramon, CA 94583
Tel: (925) 328-1515  Fax: (925) 328-1514
Email: assemblymember.buchanan@assembly.ca.gov

Tom Ammiano (San Francisco)
455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14300, San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone (415) 557-3013  Fax (415) 557-3015
Email: assemblymember.ammiano@assembly.ca.gov  & tom.ammiano@asm.ca.gov

Phil Ting (丁右立) (San Francisco & San Mateo County)
455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14600, San Francisco, CA 94102
Tel: (415) 557-2312  Fax: (415) 557-1178
Email: assemblymember.ting@assembly.ca.gov  &  phil@philting.com

Kevin Mullin (San Francisco Peninsula)
1528 South El Camino Real, Suite 302, San Mateo, CA 94402
Tel: (650) 349-2200  Fax: (650) 341-4676
Email: assemblymember.mullin@assembly.ca.gov  &   kevin@kevinmullin.com

Rich Gordon (San Francisco Peninsula suburbia into Silicon Valley)
5050 El Camino Real, Suite 117, Los Altos, CA 94022
Tel: (650) 691-2121  Fax: (650) 691-2120
Email: assemblymember.gordon@assembly.ca.gov

Paul Fong (方文忠) (Silicon Valley)
2105 South Bascom Avenue, Suite 160, Campbell, CA 95008
Tel: (408) 371-2802  Fax: (408) 371-2809
Email: assemblymember.fong@assembly.ca.gov

Bob Wieckowski (East Bay and Silicon Valley)
39510 Paseo Padre Parkway, Suite 280, Fremont, CA 94538
Tel: (510) 440-9030  Fax: (510) 440-9035
Email: assemblymember.wieckowski@assembly.ca.gov

Mark Stone (Monterey Bay)
701 Ocean Street, 318-B, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Tel: (831) 425-1503  Fax: (831) 425-2570
Email: assemblymember.stone@assembly.ca.gov  &  info@friendsofmarkstone.org

Adam Gray (Fresno)
690 West 16th St, Merced, CA 95340
Tel: (209) 726-5465  Fax: (209) 726-5469
Email: assemblymember.gray@assembly.ca.gov  &  adam@adamgrayforassembly.com

Das Williams (Santa Barbara and Ventura)
101 W. Anapamu Street, Suite A, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Tel: (805) 564-1649  Fax: (805) 564-1651
Email: assemblymember.Williams@assembly.ca.gov  &  das.williams2014@gmail.com

Steve Fox (Antelope Valley)
41319 12th St West, #105, Palmdale, CA 93551
Tel: (661) 267-7636  Fax: (661) 267-7736
Email: assemblymember.fox@assembly.ca.gov

John A. Pérez (Los Angeles & Koreatown)
320 West 4th St, #1050, Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: (213) 620-4646  Fax: (213) 620-6319
Email: Assemblymember.John.Perez@assembly.ca.gov  &  HQ@perezforcontroller.com

Chris Holden (Pasadena & Rancho Cucamonga)
600 N. Rosemead Blvd, #117, Pasadena, CA 91107
Tel: (626) 351-1917  Fax: (626) 351-6176
Email: assemblymember.holden@assembly.ca.gov  &  info@holdenforassembly.com

Ed Chau (周本立) (San Gabriel Valley)
1255 Corporate Center Dr. Ste 306, Monterey Park, CA 91754
Tel: (323) 264-4949  Fax: (323) 264-4916
Tel: (626) 403-3033  Fax: (626) 403-3022
Email: assemblymember.chau@assembly.ca.gov  &  edchau4assembly@gmail.com

Roger Hernandez (Hacienda Heights & Whittier)
100 North Barranca St, #895, West Covina, CA 91791
Tel: (626) 960-4457  Fax: (626) 960-1310
Email: assemblymember.hernandez@assembly.ca.gov

Mike Gatto (Eastern end of the San Fernando Valley)
300 East Magnolia Boulevard, Suite 504, Burbank, CA 91502
Tel: (818) 558-3043  Fax: (818) 558-3042
Email: assemblymember.gatto@assembly.ca.gov  &  mg@mikegatto.com

Richard Bloom (West Los Angeles)
2800 28th Street, Suite 150, Santa Monica, CA 90405
Tel: (310) 450-0041  Fax: (310) 450-6090
Email: assemblymember.bloom@assembly.ca.gov  &  richard@richardbloom.com

Al Muratsuchi (South Bay, Beach Cities and the Palos Verdes Peninsula)
3460 Torrance Blvd., Suite 306, Torrance, CA 90503
Tel: (310) 316-2164  Fax: (310) 316-2480
Email: assemblymember.muratsuchi@assembly.ca.gov  &  info@alforassembly.com

Sharon Quirk-Silva (North Orange County)
1400 North Harbor Blvd., Suite 601, Fullerton, CA 92835
Tel: (714) 526-7272  Fax: (714) 526-7278
Email: assemblymember.quirk-silva@assembly.ca.gov  &  campaign@sharonquirksilva.com

Toni Atkins (San Deigo)
1350 Front St., Room 6054, San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (619) 645-3090  Fax: (619) 645-3094
Email: assemblymember.atkins@assembly.ca.gov  &  toniatkinsforassembly2012@gmail.com

下面是请愿文章的范例, 电子邮件标题要清楚简洁表达文章内容, 例如Please vote "NO" on SCA-5!, 发文章时称呼对方用First Name就可以, 写自己的名字的时候最好是First Name+Last Name, 这样看起来比较正式有力.

写这些请愿信重要的是文章内容尽量不要有族裔色彩, 这样效果反而适得其反, 也就是文章内容尽量避免有亚裔, 华裔, 韩裔, 西语裔, 非洲裔, 白人这样的字眼出现, 能够避免尽量避免. 不然收到文章的对象认为你是从族裔立场出发, 而不是从公益立场出发来写这封请愿信, 效果因此大减, 读完因为本身所属族裔不同, 就很没有说服力. 所以如果真的有需要用到任何族裔名称的字眼, 也请用在客观的事实资料上, 尽量不要加上个人主观的判断.

要说服对方第一种方法可以从道德制高点出发, 也就是强调使用种族来决定入学资格的荒谬, 这里可以引些名人的话或是过去的历史来增加说服力, 例如马丁路德, 曼德拉, 林肯, 独立宣言等, 另外还有当然最好用的我有一个梦演说或是美国梦等, 说明种族歧视的错误, 来谴责对方. 并强调人人平等的重要性. 最近也出现使用二战期间日裔美国人被关进集中营, 或是排华法案历史来说服对方的文章. 然后建议应立法帮助穷人受教育, 不分种族.

而第二种方法要从对方的立场出发, 陈述对方反对SCA-5能获得的益处, 这样对方才会真的被说服, 不过这些写法都是比较高难度的技巧, 不一定要使用, 如果要写可以参考我写的范例. 首先是平等才能促进竞争, 科学进步, 使得加州在经济上有竞争力, 大家未来的生活才能更好, 工作机会增加. 其次是加州大学才能继续保持竞争力, 如果加州大学的排名下降, 这对住在加州的人都是损害. 再来就是所谓的Mismatch问题, 从客观的历史资料来验证, 若使用种族来录取学生, 会使得学生整体毕业率下降. 因为这些因为族裔因素而入学的学生, 实际上本身能力并不足以周遭同学竞争, 他们自己也知道自己是因为族裔因素被录取的, 而不是因为自己的能力, 因此也产生自卑. 研究显示这些Underprepared准备不足的学生常在班上都是垫底, 很高比例因此被退学或是自己申请停学, 这对他们自身来说, 反而是场灾难, 已经丧失制定这个政策当初的用意, 因为当初如果按照自己本身能力申请, 进入适合自己的学校, 和自己差不多水准的人竞争, 反而能顺利毕业, 人生会更顺利. 此外读书不是唯一的出路, 例如非洲裔擅长运动或音乐, 不见得要专注在升学上.

第三种方法是分享自己的人生经验, 还有周遭友人小孩的感想, 这部份我就没有办法写范例, 因为每个人的遭遇不同, 这也很容易说服对方, 特别是要用低姿态来博取对方同情. 例如写自己移民的背景, 还有对美国梦的向往, 这种写法就可能会写到自己的族裔, 这时候用较广泛的Asian American亚裔比用较狭隘的Chinese American容易获得对方共鸣, 不要对别的族裔有任何的批评, 可以尽量试着从小孩的观点语言出发, 或是朋友间对于自己小孩的未来的忧虑来着手, 较容易说服对方.

最后当然是强调对方支持SCA-5的坏处来说服对方, 第一个最简单的我不会投票支持你, 可以说我本来支持你或是不投票, 但是我现在因为SCA-5一定要投票反对, 而且将来会一直投票反对, 这样对方感觉到是个损失. 第二个就是强调会去说服亲人朋友投票反对, 或是我们整个社区都很关心这个教育或平等问题, 不过尽量也不要出现族裔名称的字眼较好, 稍微暗示对方就够了, 就算要用也要向前面一样, 使用亚裔也不要使用华裔. 第三个当然就是金钱, 可以强调不会再捐献, 如果曾经捐献那是更好, 能够提出捐献的历史就非常有说服力, 对方钱如果因此可能减少, 当然是非常痛苦.

我写的这些范例都是从公益的观点出发, 如果觉得自己写的不好请尽量引用, 如果把最前面和最后面删掉, 也是很好的反SCA-5申论文章, 都可以应用,  常自己写些文章英文能力就会进步, 这也是很好的锻炼. 有时间我会尽量再写些请愿信范本, 新写的我通常是把文章放在http://nosca5.blogspot.com/文章范本部分最上面, 看Blog的一定是最新的, 因为我一定是最先更改Blog的部份, 其他不一定会改.

Dear XXX,

I am writing to urge you to reject the defective SCA-5. In recent years, scholars have started to do careful empirical research on whether racial preferences actually help their intended recipients. When the dispute shifts from "is it fair?" to "does it work?" — thus changing the focus from ideology to evidence — open-minded people can make progress toward consensus.

Much of this new research is on the idea of "mismatch" — on what happens after a student is admitted to a school for which he or she is only marginally qualified. It is common for colleges to accept ethnic minority applicants with SAT scores several hundred points below those generally required for other applicants. In general, studies have found that these ethnic minority students tend to learn less if they are surrounded by peers with much stronger academic preparation. When they get to schools where most of the other students are better prepared with more rigorous high school course work. The chance of failure is high. Although some racial preference recipients rise to the challenge, research finds that most tend to be overwhelmed. In addition they are likely to have less social interaction across racial lines.

SCA-5 is not the right answer! The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has issued two meticulously researched and reasoned reports expressing great concern about mismatch problems. The evidence is overwhelming that mismatches often harm those they are trying to help. These are serious concerns. Students admitted to schools under such programs are less likely to get degrees. Everyone loses when students drop out. The students would be better served if California offered them the choice of which school best suits their needs.

Therefore I'm asking you to vote "No" on SCA5! Having underprepared students entering colleges would greatly diminish the quality of education and lower the ranking of the UCs and Cal States. Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this matter. People are not going to stand by and watch the legislators destroy our children's opportunities.

Very truly yours,

Dear XXX,

I strongly urge you to oppose SCA-5. SCA-5 allows race to be considered in public higher education. This bill fails to address human rights and fairness. It offers no clear guidelines as to how it should be applied. It provides no safeguards against misuse. When a subject as sensitive as race is involved in a public policy decision, it is incumbent upon lawmakers to take greater care and consideration. SCA-5 is vague, overly broad, and subject to varying interpretations. It has the possibility of encouraging administrators and officials to discriminate based on skin color.

In addition racial preference will give a negative impact on students' attitudes and motivation towards learning. Our state shall be fully committed to combating racism and promoting equality in our schools to ensure all children are given the best possible chance. Moreover, racial double standards also hurt the minorities they are intended to help, mainly by steering students away from schools where they are more likely to thrive and into academic environments where they feel overwhelmed and struggle to keep up. Therefore SCA-5 will increase the level of dropouts from the education system.

I believe every student should have equal access and opportunity to a quality and affordable education. Providing the best possible education for the next generation is an essential part of the American dream for every ethnic community in our great nation. Many immigrants make major sacrifices so that their children can have the best educational opportunities. Such opportunities are possible owning to the American principle of equal treatment across all racial groups. SCA-5 undermines the fundamental principle of equal treatment for all. We should oppose any racial discrimination that would diminish educational opportunities for any student.

I therefore urge you to reject the flawed SCA-5 from consideration. So that the American dream of educational equal opportunity can be available to all. If Democrats pass SCA-5 in the Assembly, I'm sure most of people who are against discrimination will stand up against the Democrats.

Onward and upward,

Dear XXX,

I sincerely urge you to vote against SCA 5. Racial preferences were wrong and that individuals should be judged without regard to skin color. True equity demands fair outcomes for all. Racial discrimination is wrong, whichever way it goes, in whatever name.

Under Prop. 209, California schools have adopted a number of significant measures to boost racial diversity indirectly, mostly by looking at economic status. Schools have reduced their reliance on standardized test scores for admissions, banned legacy preferences for the children of alumni, encouraged more community-college transfers to four-year institutions, and created new outreach programs to high-poverty high schools. In part because of these efforts, UCLA and UC–Berkeley are far more socioeconomically diverse than most selective colleges. In 2011–12, the proportion of students eligible for Pell grants (federal financial aid for lower-income students) at UCLA was 38 percent and at Berkeley 37 percent, compared with just 13 percent at another top public institution, the University of Virginia.

These steps helped promote social mobility. But they are likely to disappear if universities go back to recruiting by race. Prestige-conscious universities receive no points from the U.S. News & World Report rankings for admitting low-income students. They’re actually diverting funding from things that will boost rankings. Most universities create racial diversity by recruiting fairly advantaged students of all colors. A study found that 86 percent of African-Americans at selective colleges were middle- or upper-class. Prestige-conscious universities generally do not aggressively pursue socioeconomic diversity except where race has been taken off the table. And recruiting low-income students is the next best way to achieve racial diversity.

SCA5 is not the right answer! It is racist because it allows public education institutions to give preferential treatment on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. Our state has better options. One step would be to improve the state’s class-based affirmative action program by considering the net wealth of an applicant’s family. Coming from a low-wealth family is a real disadvantage in life, so students who perform well academically despite that obstacle are deserving of special consideration.

Your pal,

Dear XXX,

I strongly urge a "No" vote on SCA-5. SCA-5 allows public universities to use race in admissions decisions. In 1997 former President Bill Clinton insisted that he wants to continue in this direction--tilting the government's emphasis from "race-based" programs like affirmative action toward initiatives that target "economic need". That's where President Clinton thinks this whole thing needs to be going. Programs to aid disadvantaged students should focus on economic need alone and avoid any race qualifications. Why universities accept relatively affluent minorities over working class and poor people of all races? Preferences for well-off minorities help shut out poorer students of all races. Moreover what might be a better strategy is to raise educational attainment by investing more in elementary and secondary education for lower-income students.

In addition according to Richard H. Sander, Professor of Law, UCLA, preferences hurt underrepresented minorities far more than they help them. At the heart of affirmative action’s failure is a simple phenomenon called mismatch. Racial preferences often put students in competition with far better-prepared classmates, dooming many to fall so far behind that they can never catch up. How many bright and promising minority students have failed because they were steered with the best intentions into elite schools for which they were less prepared academically than most of their classmates? We don’t do future generations of students any favors by trying to ignore this issue or pretend it doesn’t exist.

I hope that our legislators will have courage to reject SCA-5. You will have my vote if you vote against SAC-5. Most people in my community rank education as the most important policy issue. They will decide who they vote for, who they send money to, and who they canvass for.

God bless,

Dear XXX,

I urge you to take immediate action against SCA-5. SCA-5 will lower the ranking of the UCs and Cal States. We need to put merit and academic performance as a priority. Have students study more and obtain good grades and knowledge, thus ensuring their admission. That way, we would have better students and a wiser populace, as opposed to those admitted through what amounts to state-sponsored racial discrimination for a chosen few who spend their lives stigmatized as admitted because of their skin color. What exactly is wrong with people who work the hardest are rewarded? Anyone can get in. All they have to do is work for it. The emphasis on fairness leads to continuous improvement and a high level of competitiveness. SCA-5 will undermine this basic principle of fairness and has a negative impact on high-performing students.

America’s share of the global economy is shrinking as other countries rise. Within a few years, the United States will no longer even have the world’s largest economy. We need to make sure the best and the brightest are getting those seats. So America can generate the technology we need to stay competitive. Every group should have the opportunity to succeed in higher education. It is the American Dream. Abraham Lincoln said "We do wish to allow the humblest man an equal chance to get rich with everybody else." At the core of making American better is the fundamental question of whether every American has an equal chance.

I believed in American Dream. SCA-5 is racist because it allows public education institutions to give preferential treatment on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. Is this your American Dream? Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. It will hurt our economy in the long run and everyone in California will suffer.

Very sincerely,

Dear XXX,

I hereby urge you to vote "NO" on SCA-5! Why does anyone need to amend this clause "The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting." and says amending it will not result in preferential treatment. It expressly does not affect any law or governmental action that does not discriminate against or grant preferential treatment.

It was truly a breathtaking display of dishonesty. The only possible reason anybody needs to get rid of this clause is that they intend to discriminate or grant preferences. Preferential treatment is precisely the reason behind the movement to reintroduce racial preferences. SCA-5 is sugar-coating for a very noxious and unfair proposed amendment to state law.

No one would dispute that a diverse student body is essential and the most desirable, but that diversity must be achieved fairly. Racial preferences eliminate fairness from the admissions process. Lack of racial preferences does not preclude attracting the "best and brightest among students of color." The best and brightest of students of color are the equal of the best and brightest of any group. They need no special preferences.

I hope that our legislators will start to listen to what people want. Please fight against SCA-5! In the United States, most reject considering race in college admissions according to the Gallup Poll. Sixty-seven percent say decisions should be based solely on merit. People are not going to stand by and watch the legislators destroy our children's opportunities. We are concerned citizens. We need to stand up when things are not right. We need to be heard. Your vote is very important to everyone in our community.

With love,

Dear XXX,

I hereby urge you to vote against SCA-5. SCA-5 allows public universities to use race and ethnicity as a factor for admissions. This amendment is openly racist. If passed, it will impose one of the most significant restrictions on the the universal right of education for all children and youth. If passed, it is definitely one of the most racist bills in the history of California. If passed, it could open the door for discrimination on the basis of gender or race in the recruitment process. If passed, it will significantly affect our community, our families, and our children’s future.

It is very important for education to address diversity issues. However, it is more important to provide an education where the subject of race cannot be looked at as an unfair advantage. Standards should be applied equally. After all, isn't equality what this nation is about? Minorities do not want to have special consideration over others, regardless if it's in their favor. It just gives the impression that they are handicapped and not capable of adhering to the same standards as a non-minority student.

It would be more fulfilling for a student to be accepted by a school knowing they were admitted purely on the basis of their academics, rather than having to question whether or not they got accepted based on their skin color. If students are more assured that they were accepted on an equal basis, they can learn and compete effectively. As a result, students won't quit or drop out from schools. At the heart of affirmative action’s failure is a simple phenomenon called mismatch.

Please!!! Say no to racism! Fight against SCA-5! Children who study and work hard deserve equal opportunity in college admission regardless of their race. I always support Democrats. But if Democrats pass SCA-5 in the Assembly, I will immediately switch my support to Republicans in future elections. I'm sure a lot of people who believed in American Dream will vote against Democrats. The granting of preferential treatment based on race is not the American way.


Dear XXX,

I am writing to express my unreserved opposition to SCA-5 on the grounds that it will lead to state-sponsored discrimination. In the development of modern American history, our state and nation have participated in discrimination against some of our own citizens. During World War II, the internment of Japanese-American citizens in prison camps represented a low point in the history of our civil rights. The federal government detained U.S. citizens just because they are a member of a minority race.

SCA-5 will remove the portion of our State Constitution which prohibits discrimination in the area of public education. By doing this, SCA-5 is weakening the laws against discrimination that protect California today. An applicant's race, color, religion, national origin, or sex will make the difference in whether or not a student is admitted. Well, that's just Un-American! If you worked hard, you should not be denied your dream and others should not reap the rewards. Discrimination is the opposite of who we are as a state and as a nation.

In additoin accoring to many studies, preferences hurt underrepresented minorities far more than they help them. At the heart of affirmative action’s failure is a simple phenomenon called mismatch. The students would be better served if California offered them the choice of which school best suits their needs. Moreover, while certainly we want all to get an education, we must also maintain the competitive edge of our University of California system schools. By regulating admission on anything other than merit would cause great harm to the level of excellence we enjoy from our universities.

Therefore I urge a "No" vote on SCA-5. The people of California deserve a government that supports their hard work and shares their hopes for the future. Otherwise I will vote against and encourage others to vote against Democrats who support this bill.

Yours very truly,

Dear XXX,

I urge you to vote against SCA 5. This bill, the consequence is that it actually allows our public schools to use race and gender to discriminate against students. Is that really where we want to go?  We teach children the importance of fairness. We teach children about the evils of injustice about racism and discrimination. We inspire children with the stories of people like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela who worked for justice. Now truth has become lies and lies have become truth. What words are we using to teach our children that they should be treated differently because of their race, instead of their efforts and qualifications?

At the core of making American better is the fundamental question of whether every American has an equal chance. Not a preferential chance, but an equal chance. The emphasis on fairness leads to continuous improvement and a high level of competitiveness. In the United States, fundamental principles ought to matter. And, there is not more basic than the right to equal treatment under the law. We judge students only on the basis of their merit and character, not on the basis of their race or skin color.

Therefore I am writing to urge your immediate action to rescind SCA 5. Please stop racial discrimination! If SCA 5 receives approval in the State Assembly, I will vote just to vote against the Democrats no matter what happens. In addition, I will ask my family and friends to do the same.

Yours most sincerely,

Dear XXX,

I urge you to take immediate steps against SCA-5. SCA-5 is schemed to change the California educational system. SCA-5 will eliminate the right to be protected against all kinds of discrimination in education. Making things even worse is the fact that SCA-5 is merely the first step towards a terrible path. SCA-5 would result in mandated discrimination against certain students applying to UC campuses.

From a purely practical standpoint, a policy of rejecting high-performing students based on their ethnicity is a self-defeating idea. It goes against everything our supposedly enlightened state stands for. Fairness is a key principle upon which our educational system should be based. When students work hard so they can get into a good school, they should have equal opportunity at admission regardless of ethnicity or gender. SCA-5 will undermine this basic principle of fairness.

In addition, according to numerous studies, minority students might feel stigmatized by affirmative action, believing they were admitted on the basis of their group status, not individual achievement or ability. These students often consider themselves second-class students, and feel other students see them in the same light. They are more likely to fail in school and drop out. Many of our K-12 schools are failing our students, leaving them unprepared for college. No student should suffer a huge fall in life because the school the government has chosen for them is not a good fit. Everyone loses when students drop out.

I hope that our legislators will have courage to reject SCA-5. You will win my vote if you vote no to SAC-5. Otherwise I will vote against Democrats from now on and will advise all friends and family to do the same.

Cordially yours,

Dear XXX,

I sincerely urge you to vote against SCA-5. President Obama said recently “Billions of people in India and China are striving hard to out-educate Americans in mathematics and technology. And every year brings more research showing them pulling ahead. We live in a 21st century global economy. And in a global economy, jobs can go anywhere." The United States is facing unprecedented economic and intellectual competition from countries around the world. This competition will not be decided on the basis of product price and assortment but in our classrooms and universities. Technology is shaping the future of the United States and changing our world dramatically.

According to American Civil Rights Coalition, "In the 17 years Prop 209 has been in effect, California has led the way towards color-blind government and increased graduation rates in higher education by using race and gender neutral policies." Prop 209 results in a significant increase in graduation rates in higher education. This is exactly what California needs to do. Qualified college graduates ensure an educated workforce for tomorrow's economy. If we grant preferential treatment based on race in college admission, history tells us that fewer students will graduate from colleges. Employers will not be able to find workers with the qualified skills to fill an increasingly technical job market. This will affect the quality of the workforce and the state's economic health. Companies will have to spend more hire skilled workers, potentially from foreign countries, invest more heavily in workforce development or even outsource jobs overseas. Therefore SCA-5 is not in America's best interest.

I, therefore, am writing to urge you to vote against SCA-5. SCA-5 will hurt our economy in the long run. Everyone in California will suffer from short-sighted policy-making which holds back our growth. If Democrats pass SCA-5 in the Assembly, I'm sure a lot of people who have knowledge will be enormously upset.

Yours truly,

Dear XXX,

I write today to urge you to take immediate action against SCA-5. No one has the right to discriminate against any individuals based on their race. Just as Abraham Lincoln declared in his Gettysburg Address, years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that “all men are created equal.”

You cannot change facts simply by repeating a lie over and over again. The color of someone’s skin doesn’t tell you anything about the traits that qualify them for college. The color of someone’s skin also does not tell you anything about that individual’s socioeconomic background. Students from impoverished backgrounds need special consideration to succeed, no matter their race.

Say no to racism! Say no to SCA-5. Fight for what generations before us have fought for. SCA-5 is wrapped up in a claim of racial equality and diversity, but it is pure evil and a fundamental violation of what true racial equality means. If Democrats pass SCA-5 in the Assembly, tons of people in California who have morals will hold this against the entire Democrat Party. Everyone in our community take this matter seriously.

Sincerely yours,

Dear XXX,

I strongly urge you to vote NO on SCA-5. Martin Luther King Jr. passed away 46 years ago. What happened to "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."? Judging students by their skin colors is itself inherently discriminatory. We are living individuals! We represent only ourselves. No one is over represented here. We got admitted into universities after working our asses off for years. No one has the right to discriminate against any individuals based on their race. The only way to create a society with true racial equality is to stop considering race in the admission process.

Science and higher education should be "color-blind". Decisions based on race are not the road to prosperity, equality, or stronger feelings of self esteem in individuals. Selections based on one's color, not one's achievements and skills, is only working to separate our society further. It is ill-advised to set different standards for students based on the color of their skin. Separating kids only makes them feel inferior and that should’nt be acceptable to anyone. We ought not say that for some ethnic students the goal is below some other ethnic students.

Therefore I'm asking you to vote NO on SCA5! Otherwise, I think the Democrat Party has gone over the edge and need to be voted out. Who will demand equality and justice for all? We are a nation that was built upon the very principles that all men, and I emphasize all are created equal. Everyone in our community will pay particular attention to this matter.

Yours Faithfully,

Dear XXX,

Please figth against SCA-5! Equality has clearly played an important role in American history. When the founders of the United States of America wrote in the Declaration of Independence the most sacred notions that "all men are created equal". They were not ignoring the obvious differences that make people individuals. Their differences in appearance, personality, aptitude, skills and character. This essential equality means that no one is born with a natural right to rule over others without their consent, and that governments are obligated to apply the law equally to everyone.

The American Dream has always stood for the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity available to every American from the time it entered the national lexicon. Is the American Dream attainable by all Americans? Most Americans perceive a college education as the ticket to the American Dream. However with the passing of SCA-5, this fundamental principle of equality is violated. It is racial discrimination at its finest. It's racial discrimination in its purest form. Is this your American Dream? Why has our state become so lame? The granting of preferential treatment based on race is not the American way. Education should be color-blind. If you work hard you get what you deserve.

Please!!! Say No to SCA-5. We need to protect the equal education rights of our youth. Lawmakers should draft bills to improve education for poor children regardless of their race. If Democrats pass the proposed SCA5 in the Assembly, I will vote against any and all Democrats as Democrats are out of touch with the American People and American Dream.

Best Regards,

Dear XXX,

Please vote No on SCA-5. What the SCA-5 acutually does is sheer idiocy and doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. It's amazing that we still judge people by their race. Is this really how we want to educate our future generations? Is there ever going to be an end to racism?

It is in fact a no win situation. Children go to schools and have their GPAs raised due to race. They later go to colleges based on fictitious GPAs. Unfortunately professors won't be on board with this plan. Most likely they won't be able to keep up, rank toward the bottom of the class, and quit or drop out from schools. What a disaster it would be? This is the problem that we call "mismatch". It is a problem verified by research.

Say No to SCA-5! Preferential treatment based on race in college admission is not the right practice. California should not enrolled students based on race rather than qualifications. Lawmakers need to work on bills which applies to everyone regardless of their race for improvements in the quality of education for poor communities or for closing the gap where students have underachieved.

Yours truly,

Dear XXX,

I strongly urge you to vote NO on SCA-5. This bill against our constitutional belief that all men are created equal. In addition it against the "American Dream". That dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.

The fundamental flaw in SCA-5 is racial preferences in college admissions harm their intended beneficiaries. We refer to this problem as "mismatch". It is a problem documented by a vast and growing array of research. It will place students in environments where they can neither learn nor compete effectively. As a result, students quit or drop out from schools. These same students would thrive had they gone to less competitive schools. As such racial preferences lead to devastated outcomes.

In addition, having underprepared students entering colleges would greatly diminish the quality of education. This is a lose-lose scenario. No one should be allowed to damage our elite University of California system. Once it is damaged it is really difficult to rebuild. Going to college is a privilege, not a right. You would have to work hard to earn a spot.

Therefore I'm asking you to vote NO on SCA5! It is the right thing to do. Preferential treatment based on race in college admission is not the right practice. The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment on the basis of race.

Yours truly,

Dear XXX,

I hereby urge you to vote NO to SCA-5! As SCA-5 will roll back the clock to the days when students were discriminated against based on their race. SCA-5 hide under the disguise of equal opportunity. However SCA-5 is in fact the antithesis of equal opportunity as it demands equal outcomes. But true equity demands fair outcomes for all. The injustice of disparities in any population is when equity is diminished. It is communism in essence since resources are to be divided equally. It will destroy the incentive to excel and compete and drag down U.S. competitiveness in the long run.

Lawmakers need to work on bills which applies to everyone regardless of their race for improvements in the quality of education for poor communities or for closing the gap where students have underachieved. What messages are we sending to our children that they should be treated differently because of their race, instead of their efforts and qualifications?

Therefore I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. I have a dream, do you? Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this matter.

Thank you,

Dear XXX:

Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. This bill is to include race as a factor to provide preference in college admissions. I firmly believe that this is against the fundamental principles of U.S. law and the American legal system. All men are equal regardless of race.

Therefore, I strongly urge you to vote NO on this matter. Your vote is very important to everyone in our community.

Thank you,

Dear XXX,

Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. SCA-5 proposed using race as a factor in college admissions. I urge you to fight against SCA-5. Just as Martin Luther King, Jr. said 41 years ago, no children should be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Your child(ren) deserve this dream. Every American child deserves this dream. Don't you agree? It is about right or wrong. This is where the difference comes between a politician and a statesman/woman.

It's your choice which side you're on. I have a dream, do you? The people who shares the same dream as Martin Luther King, Jr. will remember your choice. They will decide who they vote for, who they send money to, and who they canvass for.

Best regards,

Dear XXX,

Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. It is pure racism! My kids future is as important as anyone's kids. Why two individuals at the same level of education might differ in their college admissions? What century do we live in? This is supposedly a country that believes in equality.

I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.


Dear XXX,

Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. Objection to any law that allow any discrimination against, or granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race in the operation of public education. Racial discrimination is wrong, whichever way it goes, in whatever name. If diversity is the point of preferences, why only in college admissions? Why not in the recruitment process of government agencies? in entertainment, in sports...

I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. All men are equal regardless of race. Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.

Best regards,

Dear XXX,

Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. I am impressed that this clear violation of constitutional law could even pass the senate! What are senators doing? How do we explain to our children that what they've been taught on equal opportunity is no longer true. It has been amended. Martin Luther King, Jr. said I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. But it is no longer in accord with reality. Why don't we amend the employment standards after college admissions? So those who are entitled to privileges in admission could automatically get government jobs?

I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. All men are equal regardless of race. Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.


Dear XXX,

Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. This bill is total racism. What a degradation! It's a waste of public money for those senators working on this nonsense. The rational behind the bill is totally ridiculous. We believe in the right of education for all Californians. California should not enrolled students based on race rather than qualifications.

I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.

Sincerely yours,

Dear XXX,

Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."---Martin Luther King, Jr. Do we helping Martin Luther King's dream(which is my dream too)? Do we punish hard working students by racial preferences? Is this the right way to promote better education for California?

I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.

Yours truly,

Dear XXX,

Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. The only barrier for student of any colors for higher education is their work enthusiasm. How about we do the same thing for the State Assembly? Candidate must collect certain amount of votes (scores in S.A.T.) to be qualified, then by using qualified candidates’ race and ethnic background to decide if he/she can become a member of the California State Assembly. Because "We need to ensure that the State Assembly reflects our changing population".

I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Students should be admitted based on merits, not race! Otherwise, no more votes and donations from me and all my relatives and friends for you or any Democrats. Everyone in our community will pay close attention to this issue.

Sincerely yours,

Dear XXX,

Please vote NO on SCA 5 as it is a racist bill. It promotes discrimination by judging people based on their race. Admission to any school among other things, should solely based on their own merit and not on their color, race, and etc. I believe preferential treatment based on race in college admission is not the right practice. In addition it violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

I strongly urge you to vote "No" on SCA 5. Students deserve have an equal opportunity in the college admission process regardless of their race. Thank you for listening to the voice of your people.


Dear XXX,

Please vote "NO" on SCA-5. This is ridiculous and is so wrong! This is a reverse discrimination. This proposition limits the opportunity of certain kids to attend the University of California because of their races. Higher education should be offered to those who can do it.

I strongly urge you to fight against SCA-5. Students deserve have an equal opportunity in the college admission process regardless of their race. I always support Democrats. But if Democrats pass SCA-5 in the Assembly, I will immediately switch my support to Republicans in future elections. Most people in my community rank education as the most important policy issue.

Best regards,

最后可以再加上下面这些, 有些文章和一个影像是相当好的.

For more information on this topic, please refer to articles and a video below.

The Painful Truth About Affirmative Action

Elder vs. State Senator Ed Hernandez (D-CA) on Racial Preferences, Jan. 31, 2014

In U.S., Most Reject Considering Race in College Admissions

A Better Affirmative Action: State Universities that Created Alternatives to Racial Preferences

How Mismatches Devastate Minority Students

UC proves Prop. 209's point

Viewpoints: A step backward on higher education enrollment

Careful, California voters, your wishes are under attack

Why liberals should let California’s affirmative-action ban stand.

Do race preferences help students?

如果要加文章连结可能要再修整一下, 如果在讨论区用copy & paste有可能贴成不完整连结, 用nosca5.blogspot.com上的文章就没这个问题, 请注意一下这一点. 要确认一下是完整的网址.

这里有些反SCA-5的海报, 也可以考虑加在电子邮件中或传真都可以运用.

Step 4:
使用下面这个网站邮寄信件给你选区的加州众议员表达意见, 这个网站已经全部帮忙设定好, 花不到几分钟就可以产生一篇非常完整详细的请愿信.



美亚团结促进会的United Against SCA5 - Please click here to sign letter to contact your elected representatives选项在收集反对SCA-5的加州民众资料, 可以很快去填一下.

Step 5:
下面这些是其他加州民主党众议员的联络方式, 我觉得他们改变立场的机率低, 如果要尝试的话用email再加上facebook的message扫一遍就好了, 应该也花不了太多时间.

Isadore Hall, III
Tel: (310) 223-1201  Fax: (310) 223-1202
Email: assemblymember.hall@assembly.ca.gov  &  isadore@isadorehall.com
http://www.isadorehall.com/ (选Contact Us)

Reggie Jones-Sawyer
Tel: (213) 744-2111  Fax: (213) 744-2122
Email: assemblymember.jones-sawyer@assembly.ca.gov

Bonnie Lowenthal
Tel: (562) 495-2915  Fax: (562) 495-2983
Email: assemblymember.lowenthal@assembly.ca.gov  &  Bonnie@BonnieforLongBeach.com

Steve Bradford
Tel: (310) 412-6400  Fax: (310) 412-6354
Email: assemblymember.bradford@assembly.ca.gov

Cheryl Brown
Tel: (909) 381-3238  Fax: (909) 885-8589
Email: assemblymember.brown@assembly.ca.gov

Adrin Nazarian
Tel: (818) 376-4246  Fax: (818) 376-4252
Email: assemblymember.nazarian@assembly.ca.gov  &  adrinforassembly@gmail.com

Bill Quirk
Tel:  (510) 583-8818  Fax: (510) 583-8800
Email: assemblymember.quirk@assembly.ca.gov

Matthew Dababneh
Tel: (818) 904-3840
Email: assemblymember.dababneh@assembly.ca.gov  &  matt@mattdababneh.com

Tom Daly
Tel: (714) 939-8469  Fax: (714) 939-8986
Email: assemblymember.daly@assembly.ca.gov  &  JG@tomdalyforassembly.com

Rudy Salas (Bakersfield)
Tel: (661) 335-0302  Fax: (661) 335-0361
Email: Assemblymember.Salas@assembly.ca.gov  &  info@RudySalas.com

Roger Dickinson
(916) 324-4676  Fax: (916) 327-3338
Email: assemblymember.dickinson@assembly.ca.gov  &  roger@rogerdickinson.com

Sebastian Ridley-Thomas
Tel: (310) 342-1070  Fax: (310) 342-1078
Email: assemblymember.ridley-thomas@assembly.ca.gov

Nancy Skinner
Tel: (510) 286-1400  Fax: (510) 286-1406
Email: assemblymember.skinner@assembly.ca.gov  &  cynthia@cpierce.com

Jim Frazier
Tel: (707) 399-3011  Fax: (707) 399-3030
Email: assemblymember.frazier@assembly.ca.gov

Shirley Weber
Tel: (619) 531-7913  Fax: (619) 531-7924
Email: assemblymember.weber@assembly.ca.gov  &  info@DrWeber4Assembly.com

Susan Bonilla
Tel: (925) 521-1511  Fax: (925) 602-1536
Email: assemblymember.bonilla@assembly.ca.gov  &  susan@susanbonilla.com

Luis Alejo
(831) 759-8676  Fax: (831) 759-2961
Email: assemblymember.alejo@assembly.ca.gov  &  VoteLuisAlejo@msn.com

Raul Bocanegra
Tel: (818) 504-3911  Fax: (818) 504-3912
Email: assemblymember.bocanegra@assembly.ca.gov  &  raul@raulbocanegra.com

Ian Calderon
Tel: (562) 692-5858  Fax: (562) 695-5852
Email: assemblymember.calderon@assembly.ca.gov

Nora Campos
Tel: (408) 277-1220  Fax: (408) 277-1036
Email: assemblymember.campos@assembly.ca.gov

Susan Eggman
Tel: (209) 948-7479  Fax: (209) 465-5058
Email: assemblymember.eggman@assembly.ca.gov  &  info@susaneggman.com

Cristina Garcia
Tel: (562) 861-5803  Fax: (562) 861-5158
Email: assemblymember.garcia@assembly.ca.gov

Jimmy Gomez
Tel: (213) 483-5151  Fax: (213) 483-5166
Email: assemblymember.gomez@assembly.ca.gov

Lorena Gonzalez
Tel: 619-338-8090  Fax: 619-338-8099
Email: assemblymember.gonzalez@assembly.ca.gov  &  VoteLorena@gmail.com

Jose Medina
Tel: (951) 369-6644  Fax: (951) 369-0366
Email: assemblymember.medina@assembly.ca.gov

Henry Perea
Tel: (559) 445-5532  Fax: (559) 445-6006
Email: assemblymember.perea@assembly.ca.gov

V. Manuel Perez
Tel: (760) 342-8047  Fax: (760) 347-8704
Email: Assemblymember.Manuel.Perez@assembly.ca.gov

Anthony Rendon
Tel: (562) 529-3250  Fax: (562) 529-3255
Email: assemblymember.rendon@assembly.ca.gov  &  assemblyman.arendon@gmail.com

Freddie Rodriguez
Email: assemblymember.rodriguez@assembly.ca.gov  &  electfreddie@gmail.com

下面这个人是SCA-5提案人, 请大家让他知道种族歧视是不好的, 不要再继续提出这样的法案.

Ed Hernandez
Phone: (626) 430-2499 or (323) 981-3320 Fax: (916) 651-4924
West Covina District Office
100 S. Vincent Ave, #401, West Covina, CA 91790
East Los Angeles District Office
4716 E. Cesar E. Chavez Ave, East Los Angeles, CA 90022
Email: senator.hernandez@sen.ca.gov
http://www.edhernandez4senate.com/ (选Contact)


本文网址在: http://nosca5.blogspot.com/2014/03/sca-5.html,欢迎转载


1. 什么是SCA-5法案?

答: 加州SCA-5法案将废除禁止在州立大学入学种族歧视的规定, 帮助在加州公立大学学生比例较低的族裔, 增加获准入学学生的数目, 以更符合趋近加州实际人口组成的比例.

2. SCA-5是否会减少亚裔学生入学的人数或比例?

答: 一定会降低亚裔学生入学人数的比例, 因为由于学校预算的限制, 加州大学招收的学生数量是有限制的, 不可能无限制招收学生, 学校必须在申请者之间做出取舍. 任何有基本常识的人都应该知道, 在总人数有限的条件下, 如果有申请者因为族裔理由被照顾, 那一定要牺牲其他族裔的申请者, 这就是俗话说的, 饼就这么大, 每个人都想从饼上切下一块, 无法皆大欢喜. Overrepresented亚裔学生属于占加州大学学生比例和数量都最高的族群, 是最主要针对减少对象. 所以SCA-5法案一旦通过, 如果要提高占加州大学学生比例较低的西语裔和非洲裔, 最主要的改变就是降低招收亚裔学生的数量, 数量减少才有可能降低亚裔学生的比例, 达成这个法案增加西语裔和非洲裔学生比例的目标. 由于加州大学欧洲裔学生比例和人口比例相近, 预期不会有很大的影响, 但欧洲裔学生比例也是要透过同样的方法来调整, 使其更趋近实际人口比例的目标, 事实上政策一旦实施, 所有族群比例都要朝向接近实际人口比例前进.

3. SCA-5是如何增加西语裔和非洲裔学生比例, 减少亚裔学生比例,达到学生比例趋近于实际人口组成比例的目标呢?

答: 给Underrepresented占学生比例和人口组成比例有差距的族群在录取考量上加分, 也就是让这些学生更容易被录取, 例如我们常听到有新闻报导常春藤盟校亚裔学生SAT分数平均要比非洲裔或西语裔学生多二百, 三百多分才能录取等, 甚至因此引发受害亚裔学生诉讼. 通常这些操作方法实际内容是不对外公开的, 由每个学校自行操作, 行政立法单位只是藉由学生比例结果来检查政策是否有效实行, 这些实际平均分数的差距外界要透过研究才能知道. 大学录取并不会实际制定Racial Quota族裔配额, 但整个政策运作的目标就是朝向让加州大学学生族裔结构与加州族裔结构更接近的目标接近, 这其实在美国许多学校都有实施类似的作法, 并不是加州独创的作法, 例如University of Texas德州大学就有多次受害白人学生与学校诉讼的案例, 近期是Fisher v. University of Texas案件, 这在网路搜寻有许多相关资料可查阅.

但很重要的一点, SCA-5最重要的影响是造成亚裔学生名额的天花板, 其目标是要使学生比例尽量与当地人口比例接近, 所以与其他族裔并不是有直接竞争关系, 而是会造成亚裔自己人内部的竞争, 也就是自相残杀, 所以不管是在加州的任何地方都会影响. 就算是对外州的亚裔也有些许影响, 除了减少外州亚裔学生就读加州大学的机会, 造成总体选择机会的减少. 另外如果加州亚裔因为SCA-5的缘故, 无法找到适合的公立学校读书, 就只好转向外州排名较好的学校或是私立学校, 这样会增加其他地区亚裔竞争的难度.

4. 亚裔学生是否能藉由拒答学生族裔项目来规避这项种族歧视法律规定? 或是回答是其他的族裔?

答: 不行, 因为不回答就不能被加分, 不能因为你属于Underrepresented占学生比例低的族裔而被加分优待, 不能被加分但是其他人因为族裔理由被加分, 也就是在比较下实际申请者被减分. 这实际与回答亚裔的结果是相同的, 所以不回答结果和回答亚裔是相同的. 如果本身是纯亚裔却回答是其他族裔则属于造假, 造假一旦被发现会被取消录取资格. 学校有权透过其他客观资料来判断你的族裔, 华裔姓氏相当明显独特, 应该很难不被发现. 入学后学校若对你填的资料有疑问, 可以要求查核, 你必须提供相关资料配合调查, 一旦查证造假或拒绝配合将会被取消录取资格. 在这些查证方面不是学校来查证, 而是学校如果有疑问的话, 会要求你提供相关证明资料, 这和报税, 应征工作是相同的, 就像你找工作填写虚假的履历表, 公司录取后, 但是实际工作时发现你没有相关经验, 就有权力取消你的员工资格. 而混血的学生则可Self-Identified来填写自己所属的族裔, 与亚裔学生去填写非洲裔或西语裔, 造假寻求在入学上的优势是不同的状况.

5. University of California加州大学是否真的如SCA-5法案提案人Ed Hernandez所说的不多元化吗?

答: Ed Hernandez所提供的数据相互无关, 无法得到他所说的结论, 他的网站完全没有提任何数据证据, 直接下多元化在减弱的结论, 甚至用部分数据描述全局状况. Ed Hernandez在法案的Bill Analysis中只提供一处数据, 1995年加州高中毕业生38%属少数族裔, University of California加州大学新生21%属少数族裔, 差距17%. 2009年高中毕业生52%属少数族裔, University of California加州大学28%属少数族裔, 差距增加到24%.

事实上University of California加州大学已被列为全国最为多元化的大学校园之一, 产生差距的原因是 (1)University of California加州大学系统的声誉高, 许多学生是外州学生. (2) 许多加州高中毕业生无资格申请University of California加州大学, 加州大学有较严苛的申请门槛. (3) Ed Hernandez的数据只有包括University of California加州大学系统,不包括California State University加州州立大学系统, 事实上在CSU系统西语裔学生比例34%已高居各族群第一。

加州参议会共和党主席Bob Huff夏乐柏表示, 根据位于洛杉矶的智库Community Advocates Incorporated的数据, 加州大学招生的族裔完全反映了加州的族裔结构, 且更加多元化. 如1996年西裔在UC加州大学学生中仅占14.3%, 但2006高达25.8%, CSU西语裔学生从21.49%上升至33.9%, 现在如果将UC加大和CSU州大的西语裔学生加起来, 甚至超过了西语裔在整个加州的比例, 还不能说明加州公立大学有多么的多元化? 这已经完全反映了加州族裔结构变化, 并没有出现Ed Hernandez所谓的少数族裔学生显著下降. 该智库是中立不分党派的智库, 董事会成员既有共和党又有民主党.

6. 加州大学在入学上是否有照顾贫穷的居民?

答: 加州大学在录取学生时,会参考学业成绩和学生各种在校和校外的表现, 并且考虑学生的背景经济状况来做综合衡量, 但是排除种族因素. 也就是家庭贫穷或是收入低的人会得到较好的考量, 但是不管任何种族都一视同仁, 不会因为这个人贫穷但是因为不属于西语裔或非洲裔, 而是欧洲裔或亚裔, 就不与从优考量, 现行制度是不分族裔的入学政策. SCA-5法案则想要改成也要考量族裔, 也就是对每个族裔会有不同的待遇, 是种族歧视的政策.

7. SCA-5是否会影响国际或外州学生?

答: SCA-5应该仅会影响美国学生, 对国际学生应不会有影响, 加州大学的学生族裔统计资料有单独列出International国际学生比例, 和其他族裔比例是并列的, 但是对外州亚裔学生想就读可能会有影响, 因为加州大学的学生族裔统计资料并没有单独列出Out-of-state外州学生比例. 但就像前面提到的, 这些操作方法是由学校内部自行操作, 所以外界很难确认学校最后会怎么操作. 不过加州大学亚裔多的印象有部分也是众多亚洲留学生造成的, 中国留学生已是美国人数最多的国际学生, 其中到加州留学的更是人数众多. SCA-5风波还是有可能影响到留学生, 因为有社区人士提议, 加州大学可以考虑砍国际亚裔学生的名额来补本地亚裔学生名额. 另外如果亚洲留学生毕业后选择留在美国, 那就立即会对下一代的教育权利有影响.

8. SCA-5是否会影响中小学生入学?

答: 会,特别是在Charter School特许中学和Public Magnet School资优重点中学的入学上将有影响, 属于Underrepresented的族裔将会被照顾, 属于Overrepresented人数比例较高的族裔将受到压抑, 另外学生跨区转学也将带来影响, 如学生想转到更好的学校, 本地学区可以能以代表性不足或太高为藉口, 拒绝学生转出或转入.


Change.org反SCA-5连署 - https://www.change.org/petitions/california-state-assembly-vote-no-to-sca-5-3
Change.org成立跨党派SCA-5调查委员会连署 - https://www.change.org/petitions/state-sen-darrell-steinberg-establish-a-bipartisan-committee-to-investigate-sca-5-in-a-transparent-way

Say NO to SCA 5 - http://www.no2sca5.org/
Say NO to SCA5 ! - http://www.saynosca5.com/
Stop SCA5 Coalition - http://stopsca5.net/
Say No To SCA 5 - https://www.facebook.com/SayNoToSCA5
No Vote for SCA5 (Sacremento) - http://www.nosca5.net/
NO SCA5: Race based UC admission - http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myoverview/65257/
华人参政论坛 - http://usachinese.org/
Silicon Valley Chinese Association硅谷华人协会 - http://svca.me/
United Asian Americans For Activism美亚团结促进会 - http://www.uaafa.org/
Chinese-American Institute for Empowerment - http://usacie.org/
The Orange Club - http://www.theorangeclub.org/
San Diego Asian American For Equality - https://www.facebook.com/sdaafe
Asian American Voters亚裔选民协会 - http://www.asianamericanvoters.org/
Chinese Alliance for Equality - http://chineseequality.org/
Chinese Americans for Progress & Equality华人进步与平等协会 - http://www.capeus.org/
Asian Americans for Political Advancement美亞正義聯盟 - http://www.aapanow.org/
Chinese American Federation美国华人联合总会 - http://chinese-usa.org/

Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association - http://apapa.org/
American Civil Rights Institute - http://www.acri.org/
American Civil Rights Coalition - http://www.acrc.info/
Project on Fair Representation - http://www.projectonfairrepresentation.org/
The Century Foundation - http://tcf.org/
The Center for Individual Rights - http://www.cir-usa.org/
Harvard Not Fair - http://harvardnotfair.org/
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Not Fair - http://uncnotfair.org/
University of Wisconsin-Madison Not Fair - http://uwnotfair.org/